[Personal Use Only] Pix2Text (P2T) V1.1.1 MFD Model

[Personal Use only] Pix2Text (P2T) V1.1.1 MFD Model

The following models are compatible with Pix2Text (P2T) V1.1.1.

Compared to the open-source MFD model mfd of Version 1.1.1, the paid models mfd-pro and mfd-advanced have higher accuracy.

One model is included:

  1. Pix2Text MFD Model (ONNX only): mfd-pro;

You may verify the model's performance on the Online Demo.



  • Email address 填写真实邮箱,以便于接收订单和发票等信息。可以使用国内邮箱,只是可能接收邮件会稍有滞后。

  • 选择支付方式为 Alipay(支付宝),或者 WeChat Pay(微信)。

  • Billing address

    • 第一行选择 Hong Kong,不要选择 China。Lemon Squeezy 的 China 还没有开通支付。这个选择不会影响价格。

    • 第二行随便填国内邮编就行,比如 100029(北京某地邮编)。这个填写不会影响价格。

  • 点击最底端的 Pay 长条绿色按钮即可。支付时会自动按照汇率把美元换算成人民币。

If you purchase this product, it indicates that you agree to the following license agreement. If you do not agree to the license agreement, please do not purchase. Thank you. 如果您购买此产品,表明您同意以下的使用许可协议;不同意以下的使用许可协议请勿购买,谢谢。


1. The purchased model is for personal use, not for enterprises.

2. The purchased model may not be resold or transferred to any other enterprise or individual.

3. The model author has no obligation to assist in any form with issues encountered during the use of the model.

4. The purchaser shall not use the model for any illegal activities. Any risks arising from the use of the model are solely the responsibility of the enterprise and are not associated with the model author.

5. Intellectual Property: The intellectual property rights of the model remain with the author. Purchasing the model grants the purchaser a license to use, not ownership of the model.

6. Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of the model.

7. Open Source Code: The source code of the model is open to the public. However, the purchaser is not allowed to retrain a new model based on the purchased model in any form.

8. Confidentiality: While the source code is open-source, the purchaser agrees not to disclose any proprietary aspects of the purchased model.

9. Termination Clause: The model author reserves the right to terminate the purchaser's right to use the model if any terms of this agreement are breached.

10. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Countries/Regions from the model author and the purchaser. Any disputes related to this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration/court in a specific location.

11. Interpretation: The right to interpret the terms of this agreement resides solely with the model author.


1. 购买的模型仅供个人使用,企业不可使用。

2. 不得将购买的模型转售或转让给任何其他企业或个人。

3. 个人在使用模型过程中遇到任何问题时,模型作者无义务以任何形式协助。

4. 个人不得使用模型进行任何违法活动。使用模型过程中产生的任何风险均由企业自行承担,与模型作者无关。

5. 知识产权:模型的知识产权归作者所有。购买模型只是获得使用权,而不是所有权。

6. 责任限制:在任何情况下,作者均不对因使用模型而导致的任何直接、间接、特殊、偶然或后果性损害承担责任。

7. 开源代码:模型的源代码是对公众开放的。但个人不得基于购买的模型以任何形式重新训练新的模型。

8. 保密:尽管源代码是开源的,但个人同意不透露购买模型的任何专有部分。

9. 终止条款:如违反本协议的任何条款,作者保留终止个人使用模型的权利。

10. 适用法律和争议解决:本协议受模型作者和个人所在国家/地区的法律管辖。与本协议有关的任何争议应通过仲裁/特定地点的法院解决。

11. 解释权:本协议的所有条款的解释权归模型作者所有。

mfd-pro (onnx)


One model is included:

  1. Pix2Text MFD mfd-pro: mfd-pro-v20240618.onnx;

mfd-advanced (onnx)


One model is included:

  1. Pix2Text MFD mfd-advanced: mfd-advanced-v20240618.onnx;

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